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Raised By Squirrels is published by Panel Press.


You never call! Maybe you should instead? Seriously, we'd love to know what you think about RBS.


Occasional posts from (usually) Bram and (sometimes) Monica about comics in general, this comic in particular, art, design, publishing, visual culture, and far, far too many things about actual squirrels.


X-Men and Wonder Woman at Hark, a Vagrant!


An interesting appreciation of an unknown (certainly by me) cartoonist, John Callahan. Weingarten's an awfully good writer, and the piece touches on a recurring question of where humor comes from.


Our friend Doc has launched his webcomic Warbirds of Mars — a "neo-pulp/noir sci-fi" tale of an alternate history.


No. No, no, no.



Many remembrances of Harvey Pekar out there, so I'll just link to Matt's post.


Looks like we'll be spending some of the afternoon at Lobo Anime & Comics' sidewalk sale — helping out at the 7000 BC table and doing some comic shopping.


And to complete your summer, the 2010 Bulwer-Litton Fiction "winners."


Borrowing from Kevin, a comic found during a wildly successful trip to Heroes Con: the first issue of Border Crossings, a smart, well-drawn, fast-moving, incredibly imaginative comic. I'll be keeping an eye on it.


"It meets the criteria of tactical deception, which previously was thought to only occur in primates.” Yeah, it's all fun and games until you hear about the robot squirrel. Then Andy tipped me to the Q&A.

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